by FriFlo » Wed 2 May 2018 21:38
I totally agree with the notion that HZ couldn’t do what he does without his collaborators. I even saw from a famous orchestrator a cue that was orchestra with Bigband and just as complex as the mentioned example. The thing that was provided by HZ was a simple tune with basic harmonics laid out. The instruction was ‘just do the thing you are good at to fit that to the scene’! There was not even a piano layout for the arrangement and the tune was - well - let’s say simple, which is not bad in itself, but it became a terrific piece of scoring that only people with great skills can achieve. The credit was orchestrator, not even arranger or additional composer. All of this is legal in the US. I do not have any doubt that there are a great many other composers who work like that occasionally or regularly. At least, some of them have the decency not to boast how they did everything by themselves.
Hollywood is a snake pit and it’s all about money, power and influence. I certainly have no naive ideas that it really is about art. It’s all commercial and only a very few beacons of light stand out.
As to wether I think this forum and Samy’s videos and texts are capapble of doing any good about it: I am torn and unsure as I said before.
It is hard to really prove anything like that matter with hard facts. Don’t get me wrong: I personally have little doubt that the arrangements in the mentioned score are NOT a verbatim translation of a 1992 midi mock-up! And I asked HZ in the very same thread, if he really thought of his collaborators that lowly. I tried to phrase that politely by mentioning that this did not seem like him, who usually spoke rather kindly about his collaborators. He did not reply to that. Personally, I stopped at this point. But I didn’t get banned from the forum! Yet, I saw The banishment of headshot unjust and voiced my opinion in an off topic thread. The result was that my IP got on a black list back then and from that day on the VI-C site loaded painstakingly slow, so that it was basically impossible to read anything there. That meant my perception of the forum and the former owner drastically decreased. I think Mike Greene does a way better job, now, although I don’t fool myself: VI-Control is a commercial endeavor and by no means a passion project just for the sake of people helping out each other. I guess, that is just how our world works, so there is not anything wrong about that. But even Mike Greene is not totally immune against double standards: Everybody else would have at least gotten a warning for calling another member a twat. HZ sure didn’t! :-) Again, this is where I cannot keep my mouth shut and mention it. But I will leave it there, as I can’t see much good coming from arguing about it any longer.
Finally, I think it is a good thing that there are folks like Samy, who just cannot let it rest, if they see some injustice that is ignored by a majority. I respect his determination on that matter and find it healthy for a society to have people like that. I do not share his views in everything and probably wouldn’t go as far, but I will stick my head out that far, that I enjoy what he did here for the most part and will continue to participate in this forum as it is actually a nice counterpoint to the increasingly stupid conversations on VI-Control and other big music forums. I Just hope we will settle this HZ topic and all negativity in hopefully a short amount of time and focus on constructive topics more.